Here you will find an overview about my talks. I will link the slides as well as potential recordings here as well once the talk has happened.
Nothing scheduled at the moment.
2019-08-27: Web Engineering Düsseldorf talking at the August meetup about Building and leading high performance engineering teams. (Google Slides / PDF)
2018-02-08: Frontend Portugal talking at the Frontend Fundão about Mosaic - Microservices for the Frontend developed by Zalando.
2017-10-04: kubernetes Finland talking at the October meetup about Kubernetes at Zalando.
2017-08-29: AWS User Group Finland talking at the August meetup about how to build a simple serverless member portal solution with Cognito, Lambda and S3.
2016-12-21: Docker Dortmund talking at the December meetup about how we do Open Source at Zalando and what the Hackweek is all about.